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Membership of the choir is paid monthly, every month. There are two options, depending on whether you want to download your sheet music and learning tracks, or have your music printed and learning tracks provided on CD.


  • £30/month - If you access your music digitally

  • £32.50/month - If we provide printed sheet music and learning CD


This includes all sessions (minimum of 12 per season), a concert, your learning resources, access to video recordings of all sessions (in case you miss some), and access to the members' area of the website (which includes a forum, and options for managing your membership).


When you join the choir for the first time, if you find that it isn't right for you, you can leave at any point within the first two months without having anything further to pay (beyond any payments you've already made).


Although the choir is intended to be an ongoing commitment, you can pause your membership for a season if necessary (this means you won't be charged for that season, but also won't have access to any of the membership benefits during that time either). Membership can only be paused for one season per year.

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